Friday, March 2, 2012

Ungrateful Birthday

An incident came to mind that I would like to share how big of a jerk I have been to those that love me.
For one of my birthdays, 19 I think, my mom dad and brother went to my work with a gift card and I think balloon. Being the stubborn jerk that I am I didn’t want to celebrate my birthday and I hid in the back so that I didn’t have to see them. Looking back the biggest stinger is that my mom told me that my brother had asked why I wouldn’t come out and she said that she didn’t know. The truth to me not coming out is simply that I was a jerk.
I don’t know if I have ever apologized for being so inconsiderate but I hope that they, being as wonderful as they are, have forgiven me for my rudeness.
It’s weird the things that stick with you. I know that I have probably been ruder and I can think of a few ‘I hate you moments’ but that one is in my head for the last few days.
If you read this…Mom, Dad, Bry – I love you thank-you for always being so thoughtful and being glad that I am around, thank-you for dealing with my ungratefulness at times. I’m sorry for that day those many years ago.

1 comment:

The Green Family said...

Why is that I have to sneak around and stumble upon this BLOG??? Shouldn't I have gotten an e-nail that says 'Hey Kimberli..I have a it is!'

We've all had moments in our life when we've been ungrateful. Maybe it's to help us moving forward to be more grateful?

Or...maybe you're just a jerk! ;)

Love you ♥