This morning everyone, and I mean everyone, decided to get up at 4:45 am. Jeff was up because he is always up that early when he works, the little one woke up to eat and as I was feeding her I hear the little man “mama? Mama? MAMA?” knock knock. I tried to ignore this hoping he would go back to sleep.
Jeff came out to the family room and I could tell that the little man was not going to go back to sleep so up and out of his room he comes. Jeff goes to work and I am juggling the 2 little ones and trying to get ready myself. C goes into her swing B gets a snack and cartoon and I get to shower.
While I’m in the bathroom B is watching cartoons in the bedroom and I hear from the TV show “15 kinds of fruit du dun du” Nothing else is said that I can hear or remember.
Then I hear this little voice “Apple…I wove apple”
Then more of the song “15 kinds of fruit du dun du.”
B again “Where’d apples go?”
I came out to the bedroom to see this:
What is that singing, cheese with hair?
The small chuckle and unforgettable moment, for me, completely made up for me worrying about getting ready with everyone awake. And thank goodness for daycare because he is going to be ornery today. Hopefully he takes a good nap before being picked up.
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