Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Get the word out.

I read this article and immediately had to post this.
I have lived a similar version of this with my ex with emails and phone calls. Many days I lived in fear based off of things that were said. Turning to the police I was told there was little I could do. I had to wait for him to threaten me and not just once but multiple times. What? How is someone knowing details that you don’t know how they could possibly know not be viewed as threatening?
Somehow I ended up being the one that had to change my life. Don’t answer your phone, don’t listen to the voicemails, change your phone number, change your work number, don’t answer his emails, and don’t respond to his letters, change your routine. Done, done, done, why am I the one that has to change my life because of his behavior? I pushed people away, lost friends and even myself.
This is VERY real and VERY scary! I hope that the laws change and that women (or men) do not have to be harmed before getting help. We all need to feel safe in our lives and when you experience this it will take a long time to get back to feeling secure. I know that I still look over my shoulder and question. And yes I do know the local police number by heart.

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