Monday, October 1, 2012

Back to school...

I am heading back to school after a short hiatus (short as in 2 years). Not only am I going back to school but I am also going to a new school. I am so excited, nervous, stoked, scared, wanting to be done and wanting not to start all at the same time. UGG why does life have to be so many emotions at the same time? Can we just stick with one emotion for one circumstance!
I will start today. I will earn my Bachelors. I will no longer let my lack of education hold me back from applying to positions I want and strive for. I will become all that I can be. I am a success.
My affirmation statements for the upcoming days!

1 comment:

The Green Family said...

Congrats!! You will be so glad you did it, once its yours, no one and no thing can take it away. God that's a good feeling. Love you!